Sunday, December 7, 2014

3D2N Raja Ampat

Hi all, firstly I'd like to apologize because I didn't finish my previous post. I really want to tell you the complete story of my journey but.. I can't remember it anymore. Nooo!

Okay, anyway I had another fun and low budget trip to tell. Raja Ampat: heaven on earth in Indonesia.

Some people said that going to Raja Ampat is insanely way too expensive for local tourist. But believe me, going abroad is more expensive.

I  took flight from JKT-Makassar-Sorong by Sriwijaya Air. Round trip would cost more or less 5 million rupiah. I arrived at 6 am 

From Sorong, I took the public transportation to Pelabuhan Rakyat Jalan Baru - 4000 rupiah
From Jln Baru I took ojek cost 5000 idr.
Took a ferry boat from Sorong to Waisai (Raja Ampat) at 9 am on monday or you can take the 2am. On Tuesday the boat will only take you to Waisai at 9 in the morning. 

Okay, from waisai we still need to go to the islands and find a place to stay. Before my arrival I got a contact of local homestay. I had been there and I would recommend that place. Good hospitality and environment. But if you want a luxurious stay you can go to a resort, which costs around 2-3 mio rupiah per person per night. 

I stayed at koranu fyak homestay in Kri island or known as little mansuar island.
You can contact:
0813 44174787 Robben (local)
Or +62 822 38019420 (Stevi, manager - foreigner)

Per person per night was 300.000 rupiah includes 3 time meals.
They provided a pick up service from Waisai to Kri island costs 400.000 per person one way. But sometimes they give a discount. 
If you want to learn diving, they also provide international diving instructures.
Diving equipments and course cost 700.000 per person. This price is for beginner diver. The better you dive the cheaper it will cost. 
For snorkling you only need to pay 50000-100.000 for the boat.

Even though we only had 3 days and 2 nights we had a lot of fun visiting some islands. I went to Gam Island to see the cendrawasih bird - you need to wake up very early 4 am and wear shoes to see the birds. Besides Gam, I went to manta point, arborek and kabui passage. I didn't go to wayag due to the distance and the limited time i had. However, I believe that there are still more to explore.  

For this whole 3D2N trip I only spent less than 10 mio rupiah per person and i'd say it worths the price.

Note: fuel is very expensive in Raja Ampat, that's why most of the budget will go for commuting from one to another islands.